Adelaide Training & Employment Centre

Education Employment
275 Grand Junction Road, Ottoway, South Australia 5013, Australia

ATEC is a not-for-profit organisation which provides skills training, apprenticeship and recruitment services for school students, school leavers, apprentices, jobseekers, business and existing workers.

Our expertise covers the training of apprentices and specialised training for industry, school students, school leavers and the unemployed. Our training covers a broad range of qualifications and courses across mechanical, fabrication, engineering production, general construction, electrical and community services areas.

ATEC has two industry focused skills training centres located strategically in the North Western and Southern metropolitan areas.

Our Group Training (apprentice hire) division services the whole metropolitan area.

ATEC’s mission is to actively contribute to the growth of employment and development of skills within the community by providing quality training, apprenticeships and recruitment services.