Huckleberry House

Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Homeless Shelters Overnight Shelters Youth Shelters Housing Meals Transportation
1421 Hamlet Street, Columbus, Ohio 43201, United States

Since 1970, Huckleberry House has been a safe place and a source of support for these young people. We know this community, and the challenges they face, perhaps better than any other organization. And we work relentlessly to ensure all young people in our community have access to a safe home environment as well as the guidance they need to develop skills and find resources that can help them navigate and cope with the pressures of life.

The teens and families we welcome into our programs are dealing with serious problems. Issues such as abuse, violence, addiction, and homelessness. In nearly every instance, the youth and families we serve genuinely want to find a way out of their current situation and get to a better place in life. But they simply don’t know where to start. Through our Crisis Shelter, family and individual counseling, community outreach, and independent living skills training, we help them take the first steps in a better direction.