Dwell Community Church

1340 Community Park Dr, Columbus, Ohio 43229, United States

Dwell Community Church is a culturally engaged, non-traditional and non-denominational fellowship with mainstream biblical doctrines. Our goal is connecting biblical truth to modern life in real community. In our growing network of home churches, members and guests gather to study scripture, discuss relevant issues and enjoy extended times of relaxed fellowship.

Who are the members of Dwell? Dwell members are diverse–from all age groups and walks of life. We have students, young professionals, couples with young children, empty nesters, and senior citizens. We draw people from all neighborhoods in Central Ohio from many different faith backgrounds.

Our members value the message of the Bible and strive to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus with the world. Each year, members sacrifice hundreds of thousands of hours to vital Christian service and donate millions of dollars to community development efforts in Columbus and abroad.