Whole Man Ministries

Clothing Housing Meals
3916 Old Lexington Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107, United States
Whole Man Ministries of North Carolina is a grassroots, nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization whose mission is to contribute to the “holistic” development of people—i.e., body, mind, and spirit.

Our organization has spawned a variety of charitable activities, including a small church, a Jail and Prison Mentoring Program, a Homeless Assistance Program, Adult Continuing Education Program, a Food Pantry Program, and Clothes Closet Program. It has also nurtured the vision for the Bridging the Gap Community Center, which serves as a WinstonNet Technology Center with internet access for the public at large, computer training, and English and Spanish (as a second language) classes. Based on our location, we are especially sensitive to serving the needs of people in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.