Troy Police Department

55 State St, Troy, New York 12180, United States

We recognize that our community and local government have to be equal shareholders in the crime fighting business, but that we are ultimately answerable to the citizens, as they are the guardians of the constitution and all our freedoms. As shareholders we want our agency members dealing with our partners justly and committed to the following STP motto, as we venture into the next century.

Service — Service is a pledge to render aid, contributing to the welfare of others. It is a call beyond duty to extend one’s self, occasionally outside our self-imposed boundaries, to be helpful.

Trust —  Trust is the development of a sense of assurance, by the community, of our character, ability, strength and truth in our relationships with them. Our commitment to administer a steadfast, but compassionate response to calls for service, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, or sexual orientation, without favor is the cornerstone of our trust building endeavor.

Professionalism  —  is the skilled and proficient delivery of police service, conforming to the ethical and technical standards of our vocation.