Bridge House

Clothing Education Employment Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Family Shelters Overnight Shelters Women's Shelters Housing Furnishings Meals
260 Highland Street, Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264, United States

The Bridge House provides information and referral, emergency shelter, food, job training, transitional living support, and aftercare to over 175 individuals and families each year, representing between 5,000 and 7,000 bed nights plus countless support visits to the area communities. The 20+ bed facility is located on the Whole Village Family Resource Center campus in Plymouth, NH and serves both single adults (male and female) and families with one or two parents.

Services are statewide and beyond with the strongest concentration in the North Country, Grafton County, and Lakes Region.  Due to the VA’s commitment to end veteran homelessness, Bridge House is able to offer specialized services for this population, and also provides financial assistance through our fund “NH Funds 4 Our Vets.” The Bridge House’s goal is to end homelessness, one family at a time.