St. Francis House

Clothing Homeless Shelters Overnight Shelters Meals
901 Rangeline St, Columbia, Missouri 65201, United States

At St. Francis House, we currently provide overnight shelter for approximately 10-12 homeless individuals. The majority of our guest suffer from mental illness or have a history of substance abuse. Our houses are open during the evening hours to people who live on the street, the near-homeless, food-insecure people, or anyone who wants to visit our community and get to know us better.

We offer a place to relax out of the elements and enjoy community. We also provide breakfast and a light supper on a daily basis to homeless and home insecure persons in Columbia. In addition to our overnight guests, we generally serve an additional 10-20 people at these meals. Length of stay at the men’s house depends on individual need: some chronically mentally ill men have been with us for years; men simply “down on their luck” usually stay from a few days to a few weeks.

St. Francis House provides showers and laundry facilities at no charge to our overnight and drop-in guests, as well as clothing, food boxes, and hospitality for persons in need when we have donations available. We have a telephone available for guests to make local calls.