Jericho Road Church

930 Creston St, Muskegon, Michigan 49442, United States


The term Lost is a very heavy word. Who is the Lost? The Lost is anyone who is far from God. What is The spirit of Lostness in Muskegon? For the most part West Michigan is a bible belt of Michigan. Many people here grew up in church or at least attended church. Most people in West Michigan have heard the name of Jesus. So lost folks come from many backgrounds.

Who is the Lost

  1. Never encountered Jesus

  2. Have encountered Jesus but didn’t accept Him

  3. Have professed faith in Jesus but no longer follow Him.

So we as a church are actively and passionately going to pursue those lost people in our lives. We are going to celebrate it, share stories about it, and equip each other to reach the Lost. Do you have a missional Push toward the Lost?  We need to. It’s not partying with the world, it’s stepping into their world and loving them, with the hope of sharing the gospel. Jesus did this.