Legal Services of South Central Michigan

Legal Assistance
540 N. Jackson St, Jackson, Michigan 49201, United States

LSSCM provides free civil legal assistance to low income persons with emphasis on homelessness prevention, domestic violence prevention, assisting in accessing health care, food, and needs-based income programs.

In addition to representation in individual cases, LSSCM is part of a network of agencies providing services to the community’s most vulnerable members. LSSCM engages in systemic advocacy to help alleviate the barriers and hurdles faced by low income individuals.

LSSCM provides general civil legal services to low-income persons and senior citizens in 13 counties in south and central Michigan. We have staffed offices in Lansing, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Jackson and Monroe. We also have smaller satellite offices to meet with clients in several other counties.

LSSCM prioritizes urgent and critical cases that often result in keeping families safe, preserving their homes from illegal evictions or foreclosures, maintaining economic stability, and obtaining support for children.

In addition, LSSCM helps vulnerable populations with legal problems, such as protecting the elderly from unscrupulous contractors, helping persons with disabilities access medical care and other services that make an important difference in the lives of vulnerable people.