Engedi Church

710 Chicago Drive #100, Holland, Michigan 49423, United States

God created us—all of us—as a community of people who experience complete wholeness in Him as well as deep, meaningful relationships with each other. But God’s dream was shattered by our attempt to live life without Him, alienating us from God, from ourselves, and from everyone else.

Jesus is the solution. He began His ministry by announcing that He had come to bring good news to the poor, release the oppressed, and set the prisoner free. These are what it looks like to live in God’s kingdom, which we experience through the restoration of what was lost when we first turned away from God.

We believe that full harmony—with God, within ourselves, and in our relationships—will not completely happen until the promised return of Jesus. But we are invited to experience restoration and to extend it to others, right here and right now. We’re invited to advance the kingdom revolution of Jesus worldwide.