Gooding Fire District

2155 Montana St, Gooding, Idaho 83330, United States

We are a fire district that covers 151 sq. miles, including the city of Gooding, with approximately 7000 customers that we serve.  Along with structural protection we provide wild land, hazmat, EMS, and public education services.  The department consists of a paid Fire Chief, two paid on call Deputy Chiefs, seven paid on call Officers, and fifteen paid on call Firefighters.  The Gooding Fire District is covered 24/7 with highly trained personnel.

Outside our department we have mutual aid agreements with all of the fire departments in the county and several others in surrounding counties. We conduct our training drills every Wednesday of the week at 7 p.m.  We are a tax based fire department so as our city and county grows we are able to do so as well. When our local economy is going through rough times we have to look elsewhere for funding and support.