Coastal Plain Area Economic Opportunity Authority

Childcare Education Health Physical Health Maintenance Utility Assistance Meals
1810 W. Hill Avenue, A6, Valdosta, Georgia 31601, United States

As a human services program, Coastal Plain Area EOA, Inc. has invested more than $215 million dollars of federal, state, and local funds during the past 44 years into the ten counties it serves to help the poor and elderly overcome the hardships and restraints of poverty. The Agency has been instrumental in mobilizing local, state, federal and private resources to keep services in step with the community’s needs, and has provided funding   and administrative expertise to numerous community services organizations and  institutions in the coastal plain area.

Coastal Plain Area EOA, Inc. seeks to promote the social and economic development of the citizens of the second and eighth U.S. Congressional Districts of the State of Georgia, as they are presently apportioned, particularly with respect to those citizens who are impoverished or otherwise depressed, or deprived of benefits for general economic prosperity and well-being in the United States and the State of Georgia.

In pursuance of this goal, it is the function and purpose of this corporation to provide services, assistance and other activities designed to reduce and eliminate poverty and its causes in the coastal plain area by developing employment opportunities, improving human performance, motivation and productivity; and generally by bettering the conditions under which people in the area live, learn and work.