The Living Vine

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Employment Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Women's Shelters Meals Transportation
535 East 54th Street, Savannah, Georgia 30405, United States

The Living Vine opened its door in 1996 as the only licensed maternity home in the state of Georgia. The Vine accepts women of all ages, race, religion.  We are a 501c3 nonprofit established to provide housing and programs for homeless pregnant women and their babies. The Living Vine is a program, not a shelter. We provide mothers with the opportunity to receive needed spiritual growth, education, life skills, medical care, pre/post-natal care, job/workforce training, and counseling.  Moms choosing to parent their child can stay up to two years giving them the opportunity to work toward transforming their lives and building a brighter future for themselves and their babies.