First Presbyterian Church

220 North Jackson Street, Albany, Georgia 31701, United States

Most Presbyterian beliefs can generally be summed up by this answer to Question 4 of The Study Catechism: Confirmation Version By the Holy Spirit, I am made one with the Lord Jesus Christ. I am baptized into Christ’s body, the church. As a member of this community, I trust in God’s Word, share in the Lord’s Supper, and turn to God in prayer. As I grow in grace and knowledge, I am led to do the good works that God intends for my life.

Generally, under the Presbyterian Church USA’s guide to the doctrine and belief structure of its member churches, the statement of faith is found in three areas: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.

At First Pres Albany, we have placed an emphasis on sharing Christ’s teachings and love both within the church walls and out. There’s a strong focus on mission work, racial reconciliation, Christian education and community involvement – each in accordance with the Gospels.