Sign Language Network Inc. (SLN) is an RID certified interpreter owned interpreting referral company. Located in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado, we service large portions of the State. SLN was established in November 1995, when four of us interpreters gathered around a kitchen table to discuss the possibilities. Because the Colorado State School for the Deaf and Blind has been located here since 1874, a large portion of the state’s deaf/hearing impaired population has settled along the Front Range in the Colorado Springs/Denver areas. It was evident to us that there was a growing need for qualified, professional sign language interpreting services. We organized our company to provide those services.
We provide interpreting, transliterating, oral, and deaf/blind interpreting in the areas of social services, computer & technical, medical, mental health, theatrical & performing arts, educational (all levels K-12 and post-secondary), judicial, government agencies, religious, private business, conventions, job interviews, training and more. The four original owners were responsible for all aspects of the business. We established a deaf news and ads newsletter full of local events related to the deaf community. We became local affiliates with the Rocky Mountain Disability & Business Technical Assistance Center, assisting businesses with ADA compliance, became members of the Better Business Bureau, and provided sign language classes on a customized basis, taught by deaf instructors. We have expanded our services to Denver, Pueblo, Widefield, Security, Fountain, Alamosa, Woodland Park, Vail, Aspen, Keystone, Peyton, Calhan, Sterling, Bennett, Strausburg, and other Colorado communities.