Catholic Charities of Central Colorado

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Employment Health Mental Health Physical Health Rental Assistance Utility Assistance Identification Legal Assistance Meals
228 North Cascade Ave, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903, United States

As the charitable arm of the Diocese of Colorado Springs, families and individuals come to Catholic Charities to begin their journey from crisis to stability, to weather the current storm, or to heal a broken spirit.

Through our faith, our staff and volunteers guide those we serve with compassion and purpose, helping map out the journey based upon realistic goals and abilities, utilizing Catholic Charities’ programs and services, partner agencies, community collaborations, and Catholic Social Teaching.  At our core, we understand that every connection has the potential to empower and uplift, to breathe life into aspirations and dreams.  Through these bonds, lives are impacted and transformed.


In response to Jesus Christ’s call to affirm the value and dignity of each human life, to build solidarity within the community, and to advocate for justice for the poor and vulnerable, Catholic Charities of Central Colorado humbly engages in the ministry of charity for those in both economic and spiritual poverty so that all – staff, volunteers, and clients – may fully achieve their God-given potential.


We transform lives through relationships that build individual resiliency and thriving communities.