Serenity House Treatment Center

Health Substance Abuse
245 N Binkley St, Soldotna, Alaska 99669, United States

Serenity House Treatment Center is a 12 bed intensive residential treatment center for people who struggle with substance use disorders.  Nestled in a private 40 acre wooded setting between Kenai and Soldotna, our average client stay is 6-8 weeks.  Using a 12-step model, we help people begin to understand the destruction caused by addiction, recognize the need for help, and begin the hard-but-rewarding process of recovery.  Our goal for our clients is not temporary sobriety, but true long-term change.  For many people, Serenity House is where it all begins.

We introduce individuals to the 12-step community, providing them with a wonderful lifelong resource of hope and change.  We identify and treat co-occurring disorders, such as depression and trauma, helping people understand and learn to manage the underlying conditions that often hide underneath addiction.  Because we understand the lifestyle of addiction, we lovingly but firmly address problem behaviors, teaching and training our clients the skills they will need to live a recovery lifestyle.  We even have a weekly Family Day service where we invite family members to join their loved one in a therapy group, learning skills and tools together that will support a lifetime of recovery.