Serene Waters Mental Health

Health Mental Health
4135 Hohe Street, Homer, Alaska 99603, United States

Your first appointment will usually be about 1 ½ hours long in which your symptoms will be assessed.   The time is taken to listen to what you are experiencing and how it is impacting your life so that the correct diagnosis and treatment can be planned.  This is a collaborative process.  Your input and preferences are very important.  Treatment options are discussed including medication, therapy and other behavioral options.

If medication is chosen as part of an appropriate treatment plan you will be seen on a regular basis until tolerance and dose is determined.  Then appointments can occur every 3-4 months or longer intervals.  Therapy along with medication may be the most ideal.  Therapy is available at our office or with other qualified therapists in town.  Regardless of where therapy is obtained we want what is the best fit for you.