Public Assistance Division

Childcare Health Physical Health Rental Assistance Utility Assistance Meals
675 7th Ave # D, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701, United States


As the Division of Public Assistance charts a course toward a new welfare system, the following mission and vision statements define a direction for the agency. The guiding principles and program philosophies explain common beliefs that enable this agency to achieve its goals.


We promote self sufficiency and provide basic living expenses to Alaskans in need.


Believing in the fundamental worth of our work, our agency provides and defends basic safety net services for the poor. We respectfully help needy individual and families reach higher levels of independence. By promoting the value of work, we improve the social and economic well being of those we serve. We have high expectations for our clients’ personal effort to find and keep employment.

We are responsible stewards of the public programs we are entrusted to manage. We seek and wisely use the resources needed to accomplish our goals. We create success by focusing on continuous improvement. We are accountable for our work, and strive to objectively measure our performance. We cooperate with other organizations to efficiently offer integrated client services.

We work in an environment of mutual respect and trust. Our well-trained staff support our mission. Staff feel valued, and participate in decisions affecting their work. We uphold high ethical standards. Our behavior exemplifies the values and guiding principles of our agency.

We work for the common good of, and earn the respect of the clients and communities we serve. We honor cultural, geographic and economic diversity. We seek community involvement in our decisions and service delivery.