Education Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Utility Assistance Meals

In Sudan, a nexus of poverty and conflict intertwines, amplifying human suffering. As a refuge for many fleeing neighbouring nations, Sudan has witnessed an alarming surge in internal displacement, with four million of its own citizens uprooted due to recent unrest. Countless others have sought safety beyond its borders. ZOA wants to help break the vicious cycle of poverty and conflict by improving access to basic provisions and working on social cohesion.

ZOA’s initiatives span two primary regions of this expansive nation: the east (Gedaref) and the west (comprising North, East, and South Darfur states). Through the support of our valued partners, we also reach West Darfur, Kassala and Red Sea states. In these regions, we are active in the field of social cohesion, food security and livelihoods, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and education. ZOA works with refugees, IDPs, host communities and returnees, especially farmer and pastoralist communities, youth and school children.