Holy Family Hospital

Childcare Health Physical Health
322 – 326 Paul VI Street P.O. Box 8, Bethlehem, Palestine

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, located just 1,500 steps from the birthplace of Christ, is a state-of-the-art maternity and neonatal critical care center serving poor and at-risk women, infants, and children throughout the region.

In this area of conflict, the Hospital stands as a beacon of hope for families in the Bethlehem region, including refugee camps and remote desert villages. The Hospital and its Outreach Clinics have impacted more than one million lives since 1990. No one is ever turned away.

Since 1990 more than 90,000 babies have been born in the hospital. The Holy Family Hospital delivers approximately 70 percent of all Bethlehem infants, maintaining a survival rate of nearly 100 percent. It is the only hospital in the region medically equipped to deliver babies born before 32 weeks. Doctors and midwives fight to save every mother and baby, demonstrating a commitment to life that is absolute. Holy Family Hospital is often asked to accept the Bethlehem region’s most challenging medical cases. As a result, approximately 9% of all newborns delivered at the Hospital require neonatal intensive care.