New Apostolic Church

P.O. Box 59041, Nairobi, Kenya

The New Apostolic Church is an international Christian church. The foundation of its teachings is the Holy Scripture. It developed from the Catholic Apostolic Church in 1863 and is led by apostles, just like the first Christian congregations.

The New Apostolic Church recognizes three sacraments: Holy Baptism, Holy Sealing, and Holy Communion. Baptism with water is the first and fundamental act of the triune God’s grace upon a human being who believes in Christ. Through the act of Holy Sealing, the baptized believer is filled with the Holy Spirit. This occurs through prayer and laying-on of hands of an apostle. The body and blood of Christ are imparted in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

The return of Christ to take home His bride is a central component of New Apostolic doctrine. Other significant elements are missionary work and love for one’s fellow human being.