East Kenya Union Conference

Jakaya Kikwete Rd P.O. Box 42276 -00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Purpose – To create awareness among the leadership at all levels and the membership challenging them on the need to reach out to both the un-entered areas and un-reached people groups with the gospel of Christ.

Vision – The entire EKUC leadership and its members have embraced the mission challenges of our territory and are fully involved in establishing Adventist presence in areas with no Adventist Churches and further carrying out special ministries among un-reached people groups in the fulfillment of God’s Mission.

Mission – To reach out to people living in areas with no Adventist presence and people groups with low Adventist influence with the purpose of communicating the everlasting Gospel of God’s love in the context of the three Angels Messages of Revelation 14:6-12, leading them to accept Jesus as personal Savior and Lord, unite with His Church, discipling them to serve him as Lord, and preparing them for His soon return.