Children of Hope

Childcare Counseling Education Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Meals
149 Golf Course, Mosiro Road, Nairobi, Kenya

Children of Hope (Tumaini Kwa Watoto- Swahili translation) is a charity that operates a family based outreach empowerment and foster care program aimed at orphans and vulnerable children, especially those living on the streets of Nairobi, Kenya.  Tumaini Kwa Watoto is registered in Kenya as a company limited by guarantee with charitable objectives and a registered Charity in UK (Charity Number 1055715).

Our mandate is to relate to homeless children on the streets, reunite and reintegrate, reconcile, and restore them with their families and/or place them in a foster family. We engage in the process of restoring them and their families to reach their full potential.

At Tumaini Kwa Watoto, we believe there is a feasible solution for homeless and vulnerable children and that it may be the only justifiable solution, as the problem of homelessness is so great that building children homes cannot solve it. Furthermore, we have observed that children’s homes do not offer the level of parental love and care for children, neither do they give them the parental model they need when they become parents themselves. With this in mind, Tumaini Kwa Watoto initiated a program of setting these lonely children back in their families while addressing reasons that led them to run away in the first place.