Nari Niketan

Childcare Clothing Education Homeless Shelters Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Meals
Sukhna Path, Sector 26, Chandigarh 160019, India

Nari Niketan trust is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation registered under the societies of registration act 21 of 1860. It is also recognised by the government of Punjab Department of social security for women and child development, social welfare branch. The trust works towards the welfare of abandoned destitute and underprivileged children. Nari Niketan Specialised adoption agency is registered with Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) to facilitate adoption of children  both in-country and inter-country. The Trust runs A.N. Gujral Senior Secondary School, which provides subsidised quality education. For Economic upliftment of female section of society, the Trust runs different vocational courses.