Christian Concern for the Homeless Association

Clothing Counseling Education Employment Homeless Shelters Day Shelters Emergency Shelters Overnight Shelters Women's Shelters Meals
Cheong Wah Building, 203-211 Nam Cheong St, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Christian Concern For The Homeless Association is founded in 1987, which the United Nation named it “International Year of Shelter for the Homeless”. In 1992, we expanded our services to the cage dwellers. “Homeless” refers to the street sleepers, those who are at risk of being homeless and people in poor housing – they all have no home or lack of an appropriate home. As Hong Kong’s economy goes into recession, needs of the homeless increase. Our service become crucial.

It is said in Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25, that we should serve “one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine” as if we serve God, for they are hungry and thirsty, a stranger and needing clothes, sick and in prison, and is not looked after… We believed spreading the gospel with words alone is not enough, but to spread the gospel by stepping in their shoes, feel their pain and be supportive. Only that would spread God’s love.