Legal Resource Center

Legal Assistance
Hse. NO. 9, Colman Avenue, Dzorwulu, P. O. BOX GP 13310, Accra, Ghana

Legal Resources Centre is a non-governmental organisation with significant community-based grassroots initiatives. The LRC develops human rights capacities within communities where it works so as to ensure social progress and development through the instrumentation of law, justice, development and good governance.

The LRC also links community concerns to national level policy institutions to ensure that decisions take into consideration less privileged populations within Ghana. The core elements of the LRC’s work are three-fold:

  • Build Human Rights within Communities
  • Influence National and Local Policy Institutions
  • Bridge Community Concerns with National Policy Decision-making

LRC’s activities are carried out across the full gamut of human rights including:

  • Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • Civil and Political Rights and
  • Rights as are related to Human Development