Sele Enat Mahiber

Childcare Clothing Education Employment Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Utility Assistance Meals
Arada Sub City, Woreda 4 Administration Office Dej Haile Silase St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sele Enat Mahiber (SEM), is an indigenous, not for profit, child focused, non-governmental organization founded in 2002. The mission of the organization is to alleviate the unbearable suffering and unnecessary loss of life of orphaned children by providing them with their basic needs while keeping them in the community where possible; arranging for at home adoption for those who do not have close kin; and building the economic independence of women heads of households by providing financial support as seed money for income generating schemes, counseling and training on small scale trades, enabling them to provide better future for their children. The objective of the organization is to be part of the ongoing effort to improve the life of vulnerable and underserved community members of Ethiopia, especially women and children.