Save the Children

Childcare Education Employment Health Physical Health Utility Assistance Meals
Ethiopia country office HQ, Close to Meskel Square, near the Hyatt Regency Hotel, P.O. Box. 387, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Save the Children has worked continuously in Ethiopia since the 1960s providing support to vulnerable Ethiopian children and their families. We implement emergency relief and long-term development programs. Our programs support existing Government of Ethiopia delivery structures, allowing us to achieve scale with our proven approaches. The Ethiopia Country Office is currently our largest operation globally with more than 2,400 staff working in one of our 50+ offices through the country. In 2015, more than 6m Ethiopians benefitted from our programs.

Our programmatic approach is to build evidence from our program innovations and then work to enhance Government of Ethiopia systems to scale-up successful programs. We typically enhance service delivery directly or through local NGO and other partners and use our successes to engage in policy dialogue at different levels. We work in seven main programmatic sectors in Ethiopia targeting vulnerable children and their families mostly in rural and remote, underserved areas.