Cheshire Ethiopia

Childcare Education Health Physical Health
Cheshire Ethiopia Head Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Cheshire Services is an independent non-profit making organization that provides orthopedic and social rehabilitation services for children and young people with disabilities in Ethiopia. The charity was established in 1962 by the grand Children  of the late Emperor Haile Selassie and with technical support of Captain Leonard Cheshire. CE is a local independent NGO, staffed by Ethiopians and registered as an Ethiopian Resident Charity, while playing a leading role in physical rehabilitation of person with disability mainly children in Ethiopia. 


To work for disability inclusive society by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services to persons with all forms of disability through affordable technology, quality service, effective partnership and inclusion of persons with disabilities. 


To see an advancement of disability inclusive society in Ethiopia and to be an institution of center of excellence in standard rehabilitation in Ethiopia.