Amref Health Africa

Health Physical Health

Headquartered in Kenya and with programs in over 35 countries, Amref Health Africa is the largest African-based international non-governmental organization. Our organization is driven by its vision of lasting health change in Africa and its mission to catalyze and drive community-led and people-centered health systems while addressing social determinants of health.

Amref believes that the power to transform Africa’s health lies within its communities, and therefore strives to ensure that health systems are not only functional but that communities are empowered to hold these systems accountable for the delivery of quality and affordable health care.

Amref has been active in Ethiopia since the 1960s and became fully operational in 2002. We work through our European and North American network of sister organizations on program implementation, advocacy, fundraising and partnership. Our subsidiaries include Amref Flying Doctors, Amref Enterprises Limited, and the Amref International University.