Fundación Laura Vicuña

Childcare Education Homeless Shelters Day Shelters Meals Spiritual
Amaguaña, Colón E2-02 y Mejía, El Dorado, E8-40 y José Barba, Yaguachi, Ecuador

We are from the Society of Salesian Mothers whose main mission is the education and evangelization of girls and young people from the popular classes, especially the poorest.

The “Laura Vicuña” Foundation is an option for girls and adolescents at risk, whose rights have been violated. The recovery and strengthening of family and social ties is sought through a comprehensive training proposal.

His educational-pastoral proposal is based on the Preventive System of Don Bosco and María Mazzarello and on the principles of the Doctrine of Integral Protection, the Convention on the Rights of children, the Code of Childhood and Adolescence and other legislation that has to do with childhood at risk.