Hogar Valle Feliz

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Homeless Shelters Domestic Violence Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Legal Assistance Meals
Via Chone Km. 1 1/2, Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Hogar Valle Feliz was created at the initiative of the Bishop of Santo Domingo, Monsignor Emilio Lorenzo Stehle and Mother Claudia FIscher with a mission to meet an imminent need: to care for and love unprotected girls and victims of violence.


Hogar Valle Feliz is a non-profit NGO, which based on the principles of the Social doctrine of the Church and backed by the rights of the children enshrined in our Constitution, develops   its program of Institutional Foster care for the benefit of the most needy, within a framework of respect   for the rights   and development of girls and adolescents   and families in vulnerable situations.


Hogar Valle Feliz seeks to ensure that its comprehensive services for the care and protection of children and adolescents are of quality, with a Christian, human, ethical and professional spirit, which allows beneficiaries to overcome the conflicts of which they were victimized.