UBECI Foundation

Childcare Education Health Physical Health Meals
Francisco Jimenez y Pedro de Alfaro, Quito, Ecuador

The UBECI Foundation is a non-profit NGO founded in 1999 in Quito, Ecuador. We work with over 600 children, aged 3-17, who live and work in the markets and streets of Quito. Many of these children work long hours daily, do not start or stay in school, face mental and physical abuse from their families and have poor health and nutrition.

UBECI aims to reach out to these children directly in the markets through a number of programs. These programs provide the children with a place to play, learn, and develop social and life skills. These programs strive to equip them with the skills to succeed in school and as confident adults who are able to contribute to their communities. Through our year-long Play, Do and Learn program, as well as our four annual campaigns, UBECI is making a lasting difference in the lives of these children and in the Ecuadorian community as a whole.