Hogar Para Sus Niños

Childcare Clothing Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Legal Assistance Meals
Avenida Eloy Alfaro Norte, Km. 8 Calle E6, No. N75-110 y Capri, Sector Terminal Terrestre de Carcelén, Quito, Ecuador

The Home For Your Children (HPSN) is a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization that welcomes children at risk of abandonment or child abuse.

At HPSN we work based on the execution of interdisciplinary programs that ensure the comprehensive development of children, as well as respect and fulfillment of their rights. For each child, we develop specialized care, focusing on all needs being evaluated and addressed as a priority, providing psychological and spiritual support, medical care, psycho-pedagogical care, education, legal advice, among others.

The HPSN today has two headquarters, one in Quito and the other in Latacunga, housing a total of 57 children, in a warm and happy environment, where we prioritize the playful development and the non-institutionalization of the children who live with us.

For two decades, we have always sought the best way to resolve the cases we accompany, projecting the well-being of our children and ensuring a good quality of life while they are at home.