Fundacion Shekinah

Childcare Clothing Counseling Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Meals
Barrio Cristo Rey, Manta, Ecuador

The Shekinah Foundation is a government-approved non-profit NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) whose purpose is to provide shelter and protection to children at high risk. To the best of our ability we establish contact with parents or close relatives to achieve a family reintegration under safe conditions for the NNA.

While working on this, the foundation provides the NNA with housing, food, education, clothing, medicine, psychological care and we try to make them feel welcomed and protected. Sometimes this process is fast. At other times, there are no parents or relatives to take responsibility. In other cases there are, but they lead a life of vices, promiscuity and conflicts of their own that prevent them from assuming their responsibility and role as parents.