Salvation Army

Clothing Health Substance Abuse Homeless Shelters Emergency Shelters Utility Assistance Meals Transportation
Avenida 11, Calle 20 Barrio México, San José, Costa Rica

The Northern Territory of Latin America is part of the Evangelical Christian Church, its mission is to glorify God through the preaching of the gospel, bring people into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and disciple them to make a commitment to God.  

Its humanitarian actions are instituted on biblical principles, and respond to human needs in the communities where we serve.


With a vision of service, we will go wherever God takes us. We will reach those who need Christ. Our Units, Corps and Social Programs are trained to bring the Gospel, light and hope.

Our commitment is to provide spiritual encouragement and practical help to the marginalized and vulnerable. Revive the faith of our Officers and Soldiers, committing them to testify of Christ with their lives. And with renewed vision we proclaim that we are an Army of “Saved to Serve”