Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional

Transversal 26 – Avenidad 3, Pitahaya, Distrito Merced, San José 10102, Costa Rica

The Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International was created in 1972 as a Christian Church guided by the Holy Spirit and as practitioners of the Bible.

People have had the opportunity to listen to God through the Gift of Prophecy, the visions, the dreams, the revelations and discernment.

People have enjoyed the power of God in their hearts; their vices and errors have been transformed. Likewise, they have been blessed in their material lives. But above all, they’ve been filled with the joy and peace only God can grant. Throughout these years, the growth of the Church has been wonderful. There are now more than 500 locations in the world where people can enjoy the complete gospel; where the living God guides His people.