Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela

Health Physical Health
Radial Francisco J. Orlich, Alajuela Province, Alajuela, Costa Rica

The Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela, was founded in 1883, specifically on October 24, in the session of June 1, 1882 the agreement was made to found a hospital and specifically on October 24, 1883, the Hospital of Alajuela was inaugurated , with a doctor, a nurse and a doorman.

For May 12, 1905, President Ascensión Esquivel officially inaugurated the physical plant in which the Hospital was located. It had three pavilions and a kitchen.

Being under the tutelage of the Alajuela Social Protection Board, on September 9, 1975, the transfer to the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) was agreed, which took place on January 15, 1976.

Given the growth of the population and the latent need to provide the inhabitants of the province of Alajuela with a hospital that had more medical equipment and specialties, on October 4, 2004 the new San Rafael Hospital began its activities, becoming one of the most modern medical centers in their design, construction and equipment.