
Education Health Meals
K-14/2A, Baridhara North Road (Kalachandpur), Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

From Bangladesh, a country facing the most pressing of humanity’s challenges, we develop scalable solutions to strengthen marginalised communities, and empower people to transform their lives and reach their full potential.

Friendship began its operations in 2002 pioneering a hospital ship for the most unaddressed and deprived communities in the world living on sandbar islands, called chars, of the mighty Jamuna River (Brahmaputra) in Bangladesh.

It soon became clear that to make a lasting impact on people’s lives we had to resolve other issues. Due to their geographical remoteness and exposure to environmental volatility resulting from the climate change, the people of the northern river areas and southern coastal belt of Bangladesh have little or no access to healthcare, education and other public services and lack opportunities to escape a life of extreme poverty. Friendship has chosen to focus its operations primarily on these remote rural areas and to adopt a holistic approach.