Adelaide Anglicans

18 King William Road, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006, Australia

Founded in 1847, the Diocese of Adelaide consists of over 90 churches across 65 parishes. It covers an area of nearly 23,000 square kilometres, including the metropolitan area of Adelaide, the Barossa Valley, and Kangaroo Island; easily the most densely populated areas of South Australia. It is nestled between the Diocese of Willochra, to the North, and the Diocese of the Murray to the South and East. Together with these two Dioceses, it forms the Province of South Australia, of which the Archbishop of Adelaide is the head.

Young people are our future, and the Diocese of Adelaide is home to 11 Anglican schools, with which it maintains close ties; not only being present at functions but actively supporting the growth of the schools and their students both as individuals and collectively.

The Diocese of Adelaide maintains a strong emphasis on outreach, and works closely with a number of charitable organisations, largely through Anglicare SA.