Dress for Success Adelaide

Clothing Employment
255 Port Road, Hindmarsh, South Australia 5007, Australia

Our mission at Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Addressing women’s needs is pivotal to improving the quality of life not only for that woman but also her family, future generations and her community.

Investing in women and girls has a greater and wider impact. For every woman taken out of the welfare cycle, the flow-on effects – educational, economic and social – extend far beyond her, benefiting first her family, then the wider community.

At Dress for Success Adelaide we strive for all women to be treated with dignity and respect. Our purpose is to offer long-lasting solutions to women in need in our community, one woman at a time. By building self-esteem and confidence and providing tools and skills our services encourage women to take charge of their lives.