
Health Physical Health Housing
66 River Terrace, Kangaroo Point, Queensland 4169, Australia

Ozcare was established as a special work of the St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland in 1996. The Society, as a lay Catholic organisation, aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.

To this day, our purpose is to improve our clients’ quality of life through the delivery of personalised health and human services in the spirit of the St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland.

This means working with our clients, their carers, and families, to provide care that’s right for their unique situation. We partner with our clients to understand their needs and help them to identify personal goals. We then tailor our support accordingly to ensure our clients remain doing the things they can, while working with them to achieve things they hadn’t thought possible.