Remar Argentina

Health Substance Abuse
3517, av centenera, Nueva Pompeya, Buenos Aires, Argentina

REMAR is a non-profit NGO, which has a number of people dedicated entirely to humanitarian aid, most of whom have first been helped out of precarious situations and who decide to protect others who are in an emergency situation.

We have community centers for both men and women, where we not only carry out detoxification work which we call first phase, but we also take the individual to resocialize and understand that through some trade or task they can face a new stage of their life. feeling useful to society, we call this stage the second phase. Remar is not a rehab center or a clinical program with doctors or counselors, where you receive a medicated detox.

We help single women, women with children who bring with them the consequences of domestic violence, rape and all types of risk situations for their physical and spiritual health.