Manos Abiertas

Childcare Education Health Mental Health Physical Health Homeless Shelters Day Shelters Youth Shelters Meals
Paraguay 1606, piso 2 Dpto B CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

In Manos Abiertas, we accompany and assist the neediest and most vulnerable, strengthening family ties and community networks.

A foundation of Christian inspiration open to all people of good will. Through the commitment of volunteers we propose the mission to serve and promote the neediest improving their quality of life and softening the situations of poverty, pain and loneliness, intervening in spaces that are neglected and ignored in society.

In Argentina we carry out 67 programs through economic and material donations, and by the collaboration of numerous volunteers who in a free, organized and committed, are committed to improving and transforming the living conditions of the most vulnerable, manifesting love “more with gestures than with words”.