Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Argentina

Registro Nacional de Cultos Nº 566. Ingeniero L. Silveyra 1639 – Villa Adelina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Lutheran Church is a Christian community that recognizes Jesus as Lord and Savior and Recognizes the Bible as the standard of faith, life and teaching.

In each congregation, brothers in faith gather to hear the Word, pray, praise God, and receive forgiveness of sins through the sacraments instituted by Christ (Holy Supper and Baptism). The central activity of our congregations is worship or public office. In addition, each congregation has pastors, teachers, and deacons who are at the service of God and the community. There are also groups (ladies, youth, children and gentlemen) that meet to grow in the knowledge of the word and in the communion between brothers.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Argentina is made up of 250 congregations in 17 provinces of Argentina. In addition, it has 10 official schools and a theology school, the Concordia Seminary, destined to train the pastors, deacons and teachers of our congregations.