Hogar Sagrada Familia Del Viso

Childcare Clothing Education Health Homeless Shelters Youth Shelters Meals
BTR, Gral. Viamonte 2442, B1669 Del Viso, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Home opened its doors on March 12, 2001 with the aim of providing comprehensive assistance to street children and young people so that they can develop and grow in a healthy environment, with values, affection, feeling protection and respect that their families and the state have not been able or able to provide.

At Home they can develop their potential and learn basic activities that will serve them for their future. The knowledge they acquire is varied such as cooking, sewing, learning trades such as restoring furniture, working the garden and eating healthy, learning to live with respect in a clean and tidy place.

We agree with Mandela’s words: “Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world”, that’s why schooling is so important to us.

Not only because they spend the other half of the day in a safe place and away from the risks of the street, but they have the possibility of obtaining a degree that will allow them to access a job with greater possibilities and insert themselves into society in a healthy and constructive way.