Fundación Tzedaká

Childcare Clothing Education Employment Health Physical Health Housing Maintenance Rental Assistance Utility Assistance Meals Transportation
Montevideo 919, pisos 3° y 4° (C1019ABS), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fundación Tzedaká was created in 1991 within the Jewish community. Since then, it has supported the country’s development bringing about real changes in life conditions for thousands of vulnerable and at risk Argentinians.

Tzedaká has as its core the fight against poverty through a unique social model of networking and a holistic and multidisciplinary intervention approach that provides effective and efficient solutions for thousands of citizens.

By integrating professional and volunteer work, Fundación Tzedaká develops social, educational and health programs, and assists Shoá survivors, working alongside social organizations, the State and private companies through its area Tzedaká and Society.

The mission of the Tzedaká Foundation is to protect the most needy members of the Community by supporting, promoting and developing social and educational initiatives.