Congregación Evangélica Alemana en Buenos Aires

Av. Sebastián Elcano 4530 1° Piso – C 1427 CIQ C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina

We profess our faith in God the Father, in his Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit. The way of expressing, living and communicating this faith is nourished and strongly influenced by the Lutheran tradition, on the one hand, and by the Reformed tradition, on the other. The first can be located more regionally in Germany, where he lived and preached the Gospel, as a very important exponent of that movement of the Reformation of the Medieval Church, Dr. Martin Luther (1483 – 1546). The second tradition, more regionally located in Switzerland, where Ulrico Zwinglio 1484 – 1531 and Juan Calvino (1509 – 1564) acted as reformers.