Add Listing: Instructions is a free web directory for homeless and emergency services. The directory is arranged by city and then by service categories, moving from broad to more specific. is maintained by a community of editors, researchers and homeless advocates who find and evaluate services for inclusion in the directory; they are our boots on the ground. All listings are subject to editor approval.

We care a great deal about the quality of the directory. GracesList is not a search engine so we don’t accept all listings submitted to us. Please don’t take it personally should a service not be accepted. Our goal is to make the GracesList directory as useful as possible for our visitors, many of whom are experiencing crisis. is not intended to be used as a promotional tool for the services we list.

To keep running smoothly and to assist us in exercising our editorial discretion, we have set up policies for submitting services to GracesList. We may reject, delete, or edit listings that violate these policies or that we otherwise believe, in our sole discretion, should not be included in the directory. We may also reject, delete, or block other services we believe to be associated with a user who has violated these policies.

Please follow the steps below for each service you would like to suggest.

Step One

Search to make sure the service isn’t already listed.

Step Two

Determine whether the service is appropriate for submission:

  • Do not suggest a service that duplicates another listed service. If there is a program the service offers and it is not listed, you may contact us to have it added.
  • Do not suggest a service without at least the service name, complete address and phone number. In domestic violence listings where it may be best to leave off an address, send us the organization name, city and phone. An editor will add it manually.
  • Do not suggest a service unless they support the homeless population in some way.
  • Do not suggest a service that conducts illegal activities. Examples of illegal activities include child pornography; libel; illegal drugs; fraud; violence; infringement upon intellectual property rights; and services that specifically advocate, solicit or abet illegal activity (per state or federal law.)

Step Three

Submit the service to the closest city:

  • Go to and select the city (or closest city) relevant for your listing.
    • If your city is listed but not activecontact us and we will turn it on.
    • If your city is not listed and you have at least five services to listcontact us and we will add it to the directory.
  • Once at the city page, select the ‘Add Listing’ menu item and complete your submission.

Please be sure to read our How to Add a Listing Tutorial prior to entering your first listing!

After Submitting a Service

An editor will review your listing to determine whether to include it in the GracesList directory. Depending on factors such as the volume of suggestions to the particular category, response time may vary dramatically. Please only suggest a service once. Multiple suggestions for the same service may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and any affiliated listings.

Updating a Site

If a service has been accepted for inclusion in the directory but you are dissatisfied with how the service is described or titled, simply contact us. Be polite and civil–threatening or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

Editorial Discretion

Please recognize that making a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what cities and services to include, how services are filed, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a service’s placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a service’s inclusion in the GracesList directory. Please understand that an editor’s exercise of discretion may not always treat all listings equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions in our support of the homeless.

The team welcomes comments and feedback about GracesList. Please let us know what you think, and how we can improve the service. Thanks!

Proceed to the home page to find your city.